◻️ 16% of tokens added to liquidity on Pancakeswap, liquidity locked on PinkLockV2 until 26/02/2023.
◻️ 27% tokens locked on staking pools, 25% of supply is split between the first 30 holders.
◻️ Without taking into account two big whales with aprox 3% of the supply the rest until the top 30 has aprox. 1% of supply or less. Some of the supply is burned (1%), for CEXs (1.5%) or bridge (1%).
◻️ setMaxWalletPercent_base1000
Can be used to set the max wallet size base 1000, can not be set less than 10 (1%).
◻️ setMaxTxPercent_base1000
Same as previous but for transactions, can not be set less than 10 (1%).
◻️ setIsTimelockExempt
Can be used to exempt addresses from the buy cooldown.
◻️ manageAuthorizations
Can be used to set addresses that are exempt from max wallet and can trade even with the trade closed.
◻️ clearStuckToken
Can be used by owner to receive tokens that are stuck in the contract, also can be used to extract MUU token.
◻️ setMultipliers
Can be used to define buy/sell and transfer taxes multipliers. Buy/sell tax can not be bigger than 21%.
◻️ OpenTrading
Can be used to open the trade, once opened can not be closed.
◻️ cooldownEnabled
Can be used to enable/disable cooldown and set cooldown time, can not be bigger than 20 seconds.
◻️ ClearStuckBalance
This function can be used for more addresses than owner, can be used for any address exempt from fees and can extract bnb stuck in the contract.
◻️ SetIsFeeExempt
Can be used to set addresses that are exempt from fees.
◻️ SetIsTxLimitExempt
Can be used to set addresses that are exempt from transaction limit..
◻️ setFees
Can be used to set liq, dev, marketing, buyback and stacking fees, total fee can not be bigger than 21%.
◻️ setFeeReceivers
Can be used to set autoliq, marketing, buyback, staking and dev tax receivers.
◻️ setSwapBackSettings
Can be used to enable/disable swapback and set a threshold, there is no limit here so a very big value could cause tokens getting stucked in the contract.
◻️ setTargetLiquidity
Can be used to set settings that manage the dynamic liquidity fee. Depending on how strong is the token liquidity once the contract performs a swapback some tokens will be kept in the contract in order to add more liquidity to the token once the rest are swapped.
◻️ Owner is Obito, he has several previous projects and is a trusted dev on BSC.
◻️ Liquidity is locked long time and is strong enough taking into account holders analysis.
◻️ Tokens are distributed homogeneously between the holders if we dont take into account a couple of whales.
◻️ Most of owner functions (the most dangerous) are limited enough to avoid trading getting blocked by wrong or malicious configuration.
◻️ Owner is very trustable because of all the projects backing him.